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Saturday, May 1, 2010

money gone... :(

wuuu...my money sdh taraa...jth bankrupt jugaaa...aaaa....ini smue psl technology....mmg btl bdk IT lh...pntg dgn technology, devices and any sekutu dgn nyer mesti t'liuq....aarrgghh...
list2 devices yg kubeli:

1)laptop - my first laptop abah belikn...d sbb kn im taking IT bidang, sooo abah belikn 1 4 me coz i need to used it for prgamming n others...huu..syg3....its ACER....but xlame...smthing went wrong n i sent it for repair...it fixed but still got problems each time...dunno y so the shop turn it like first time i sent to him n he gave back my money...waaaa...syg....honey bunny...my laptop...huk3...klau dh kje nanti akan i hntr ke ACER service centre..xkisah brpe as long it can fixed n work like before...wuwu
2)pendrive - time kt matric abah beli 1Gb with price rm70 smthing like dat....zaman awl2 mmg mhl...tp bgge sbb itu plg bsr zaman tuh kn...tp ilang kt dwn kuliah UiTM lps klas...xprasan jatuh...4sure mkcik cleaner dh sapu msk tong smpah...aarrgg...syg tuuu...dh lh 1st pndrive..abah beli plak tuh...huk3...sedey3...
3)external hard disk - beli 300Gb kt PC Fair KLCC....beli dgn price rm300...wooo....kire mrh aa time tuh utk bsr tuh...wlpn t'ketar2 nk pas duet tuh tp wat can do, still nk xnk...bg jek...spe xnk 300Gb external beb...bbuutt...tetap xckp...xmuat since too many songs, pictures and videos i have...urrghh...t'pakse burn..
4)pendrive - lps ilang pendrive yg 1st, mak plak beli kn..hehehe...bez3...nk beli, must be big as possible but still money must consider dlu maa...search 4 d rite price...if u want 8Gb, its such a waste klau u buy dgn price above rm50...hooo...no no no....rugi3...8Gb dh ley dpt mrh dri tuh...so beli kt seremban...cruzer beb..hahaha...8Gb Cruzer dpt hrge lps mtk krg from rm51 dpt rm45 smthing like dat lh...wuaaaa..bezz gileezzz wa ckp luuu...hahaha...canggih Cruzer..with system inside it....can be portable system...cayalh...syg mak abah...hehehehe
5)external hard drive buffalo - bcoz of xmuat n xckp with external 300Gb, i bought another external hard drive 1Tb....aaaaaaa....ske nyerrrr....i went to low yat...get d lowest price, rm309...hahahahaha..nice....buffalo tuuu.....bgge2...nk beli yg up sket but budget xdek...kne tggu dh kje, have money sndri bru beli plg bsr pnyerr....it's cool...it got system too..u can backup all ur files...and it friedly environment..meaning here klau kite on tp x active@ gne, die akan sleep..until kite active kn bru gne letrik..hahaha...sooo cooll maann....
6)laptop - bcoz of my first laptop were kebabommzz...so dh krne xley repair..problem jek..so i beli another lptop with other kind of jename...laen dr yg bese...hahaha...i went to PC Fair at KLCC n search 4 d rite one...i want dell but got no money..budget lari since xkje lg...wuwu...so beli toshiba...it's cool too...i dun wan acer...afraid yg sejarah mybe repeat...hahaha...tkr angin lerr...hrp2 toshiba ok...tp slalunyer lptop xtahan lame...if more than 3years akan de lh prob nyer...mmg jangke hyt die xbrape lme...wlpn kite nmpk ok tp still de prob....bakal lh tuh...petande carik lh yg bru cpt2...hahaha

if want to talk about mp3, xyah lh...dh 2 ke 3 kot skang....cpt rosak mp3 mp4 neh....klau nk beli make sure yg ori n penah dgr jename nyer...klau tkt beli yg tepi2 tuh...mrh n lawo n looks like ori...mmg xlame lh...cpt rsak beb...tp klau nk beli yg b'jename make sure g die nyer centre...main shop die ke baru ori...if not aa...u kne tipu jek,,,,hrge mybe laen..ori akan mhl sket....bese aa...brg b'kualiti...mestilh mahal....hahaha
so skang b'usahe utk mncarik keje....dh nk abes blaja...dis is my last sem...thn akhir...so after cmpleted my studies, then i'll have to work b4 graduation day...hope pas with smile...hope can grad with others too....wuuwuw..hopefully...insyallah...so, until now, kiss and bye2...wweeee :)

Monday, March 29, 2010


presentation FYP (final year project) bakal tibe....smue nye nk kne siap kn cpt...mase dh suntuk...td de pre-presentation FYP...dlm slide mesti tnjuk progress project...kmpln ku present arineh...minggu sblm neh dh wat interface, erd and database...de makhluk ALLAH neh nk tnjuk pandai...smue die tau...ske nyampok wlpn ape yg die mnyampok tuh mnunjuk kan lg ke-BODOHAN nye...xtau lh die sedar ke x or mmg blur...geram pon de...arituh wat erd die xphm tables sindri..nk gak kitorg neh fkr kn utk die...rse cam nk ckp jek.."lantak ko lah...ko nyer table..x effect aku pon"...tp xt'kate...dh siap die kate nk wat blk...nk wat canteq2...tp 2 minggu mtk kate ade2...nanti nk bg...tp xbg2 pon..nmpk sgt xwat...bile nk menipu tp xpandai...lg lh bengang...eee...pastuh nk wat database...byk lh alasan...nk dtg lps zuhor lh...nk smayang kt blk...TOLONG lh...ko ingat kitorg b'due neh xtau yg ko mls nk dtg awl...nk tdo lg...so i hntr msg.."ske ati awk lh nk dtg kol brape..bye.."..so phm2 jelh...ble dh dtg tuh tgh nk start wat...study kejap software tuh, bley plak die kate die xdek manual tuh...TOLONG lh...ko bdk IT...jgn wat malu bdk IT..klau faculty laen xpe...neh faculty IT....arrggghh....betape BODOH nye alasan....tgh2 wat bkn nk tlg ke ape tp lg memeningkn kpale kitorg yg dh mmg serabot dh...TOLOng jgn ckp ble bende tuh BODOH...tgk sibuk kitorg wat..bley plak die ilang...ingat g smayang...tp klau dh stengah jam ilang kt surau tuh pe mknenye kwn2..???? die TIDO...!!!.YA ALLAH...skt nyer ati...lps tuh dtg2 wat BODOH cam xdek mende lh...ingat kitorg neh BODOH sgt ke...smpi2 bgn tdo wat mke slamber...dh siap kitorg wat bru ko dtg...???xpayah lh weii...dh siap die lak nk blk skali...amboiiiii....sng nyer idop ko...kitorg sengkang mate wat...ngan table ko yg ntah ape2 tuh...sng2 jek...eee...arini plak present...mtk kt die erd yg xhntr2 lg tuh...khamis mtk....sabtu mlm bru dpt..???? YA ALLAH....mcm2 lh alasan BODOH cam bese die akan bg...kite marah bley plak die wat BODOH...pastuh ari present..die xsiap pon slide...bley lak amek pndrive kwn yg sorg g copy erd n slide laen..??? YA ALLAH...BODOH nye bdk neh...geram lak...ske nyer ati copy....dh lh xwat...pastuh time present die ok i plak yg kne hentam sbb xsame...mne nk sme klau die bg **** kt i then die curik berlian org laen...then dpt kredit free camtuh jek...eeeiiii...tension nyer...mmg lh same...dh die copy org nyer sbb die xwat....fine..lps neh tggl nk wat function n established system...kite tgk camne die nk survive...camne die nk wat **** lg ngan kitorg....we'll see...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

arrgghh....geram nyerr...cam nk tutttt jek...

eee..ggerraamm nyyeerrr...!!!! salah ke pkai bju t-shirt tp pkai cover lengan tuh..?????ape yg teruk nye..???ape yg mnjolok mate nye..???aerobik ke..????tau x pe beza nye antara aerobik dgnt-shirt bese...????????baju xketat...sluar bese...prob dkt lgn muslimah slalu pkai tuh...pekebende nyee...eee...org skang pemikiran sempit....ingat org yg pkai bju kurung tuh baek sgt ke..???yg pkai t-shirt n sluar neh buruk perangai..???sape ckp..????eeaa...yg pkai bju jurung tuh de gak buat tutut tuh....seks bebas...tp cover dgn gaye ala2 baek...naif...alim...tolong lh...jgn t'pedaye dgn cover jek....diorg lagi terok kot....xsemestinye pkai songkok..pkai serban...pkai tudong laboh...pkai bju kurung...baek...xwat jahat...baek sgt lh klau d pandang....u know wat..??i'll say it bullshit!!!!! bohong semate-mate....xdek nye...diorg juz b'topengkn dgn smue tuh...diorg sbnr nyer lbh teruk kot dr org yg xpkai alim2 camtuh....diorg wat seks haram...pegang2 wlpn tau itu haram..merogol org...amal kn ilmu itam..kne kn org....org akan pandang slek hanye pde org yg pkai seksi...pkai bese t-shirt n sluar jeans...xpkai tudung...tp sbnr nye diorg lg elok kot perangai tuh....diorg lg reti kot bab2 agama juz diorg low profile...tau jage diri...tau batas juz diorg open minded jek...org skang neh t'lalu narrow minded smpi fkrn x b'kembang...tolong lh...dh de cnth kot bdk yg pkai alim2 tuh dh wat seks byk kali...org xprasan sbb die pandai cover dgn gaye baek die tuh....nk smpi beranak kot baru nk bukak minda tuh yg jgn judge org based on wat they look....u must know the true colors of that people b4 u can judge someone...dont judge book by its cover stupid...!!!!!! aarrrgfgfghhjkl...!~!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

sem yg m'cabar...

pejam celik pejam celik dh smpi tahun akhir....sem akhir sdh tibe make kehidupan yg m'cabar sdh b'mule....wlpn hanye de 4 subjek aje tp tahap kesusahan nye melampaui gunung everest....final year project aka FYP sgguh mncabar...wlpn system nmpk bese aje tp nk m'wat nye perlu de pengetahuan yg mndalam ttg language tuh...bkn language english, malay, tamil or chinese or etc...tp comp language....nk memahami coding bkn lh sng..tp pade yg ade gift tuh petik jek jari dh faham...dh tererrrr....hahahaha....xdpt lerr nk smpi tahap tuh....aisshhh....ari utk present project dh dekat....tp progress nye masih byk lg perlu d lakukan....apekah smpat utk siap b4 present dpn examiner..?????? YA ALLAH....hrp2 smpat lh....smoge smuenye b'jalan dgn lancar make dpt lh graduate pade mse nye....harap2 begitu lah....ok..see u guys next time...hehehehe...lalalalalaa..~~~

Friday, December 18, 2009

swimming xsempat...huuu

arini plan nk g swim kt SIGC...dh lme xswim...nk g blk..haha..tp t'pkse swim sorg2 sbb akak smue xblk..hmm..tp mak kne teman lerr sbb sy nih penakot sikit..hehehe...abah pon ikot skali sbb mak ajak mtk abah anta..haha..alang2 g sane abah ley g main golf kt diving range...swimming pool ie dh ubah..jd open view...hmm..lawa luar tp dlm..???jeng2...spoil dkt tang blk air lh..cam xt'jage..xcam dlu...mybe sbb xdek org gne so jd cmtuh..alang2 xdek org tuh so tkr bju kt luar jelerr..xyah g blk air yg mnakotkn tuh...sempoii..haha...msk jek xsmpi 6lap tetibe ujan plak..abah tnye guard bley ke continue mandi & he said yes...sooo..mandi lg...weee...lame tuh makin lebat...abah suh naek..tkt lemas xprasan..yelerr mne xnyer...yg si guard pon sibok tgk bola...aisshh..kacau...nk g mndi kt bwh...kt blk air mak teman kn...tgh2 mandi mak wat spotcek skitar blk air tuh...mak complaint sbb mmg dh makin xmcm dlu..dh truk..hmm...xpelh..nk wat camne..wuu...tp yg xbeznyer...abis jek siap2 mandi..kuar toilet ujan dh stop...wuuaaaa...!!!!...klau relax jap mybe bley smbg swim blk..huk3...sadis...tp abah mak ckp xpe..slow2...yelerr dh lme xswimming...tetibe nk swimming blk...kaki pon mcm nk krem jek td..huuu..tkt gak...tp yg bez lps tuh g mkn A&W...bayangkn...lps mandi segar...ujan sejuk...mkn A&W plak tuh..huuhhh...masyuukkk...hahaha...sok nk ajak kakju g swim klau die blk awl...hrp2 die blk awl...at least de member...weeee... :))

Monday, December 14, 2009

what a shocked..

today my parentz & I went 2 JJ..we ate at d food court..so many people there..especially teenagers like me..hmm..while i was waiting 2 pay d food, suddenly some girl stand in front of me..i don like 2 look at people so i like..wuuaatt was she staring at..??then i look at d girl & realized its my fren from highskul..wuu..wat a shocked..she still remember me..waa...so touchyy..haha...i like numb as i look at her..like hard 2 say..mayb juz shocked kot..haha..but then i can manage 2 said her name..full name..how incredible huh...we change information like where we study & wat our major...another shocked dat make wonder all the way after meeting her, during waiting for d line at d counter 2 decreased..she's now taking drama klas..mean she learn acting, directing..waaa..never expect it..but i solute her bcoz she never change..still happy go lucky & xsombong..haha...it is amazing 2 me dat smpi laa nih xdek pon yg laen dr yg laen..means smue kebanyakkn bile kmpl blk will b in d same faculty...like computing..engineering...she's different then..hmm..bile fkr blk..kecik2 smue impian..cita2 nk jd doctor... architect...but then wat happen..???everything change...different...xsape sngke wat will b in future..huh..??well i guess its rite then..hmm
then after dat...we went 2 MPH...i was disappointed when what ive been looking for...a book..already sold out..wuaa...why..???why...???then my mum said juz take any book & read while waiting 4 my dad searching for book at golf section...hmm well..then i found one book..its new..i can tell dat...it bcoz d book was located at d new section & i seen d cover at d cinema b4...coming soon movie...wuhuuu...i took & read..i didnt realized it already late...my dad said he thought i was somewhere wif my mum..mayb shopping..haha..my mum asked if i want d book dat i was reading at dat time...well...of coz i want it..i love story book..especially english..no offend but i realized dis when i was about tenth dat i would dream like d story was true...well..it would b bad if i kept continue.. so i change by reading only English novel..haha..ok then..see ya next time..weee.. :P

Sunday, December 13, 2009

mess behaviour.. :(

i prefer 2 wait & watch...supposed not 2 said anything but when someone trigger me like push me into a bad situation..that ****...hate 2 get angry...but i dunno what happen now that i get angry easily...even something stupid..no big deal but somehow become opposite..yesterday, i was angry with one of the workers at casamoda...actually there's nothing at 1st but then suddenly she's getting on my nerves..she act rude 2 my mom...what can i say..i can calm & cool if it happen 2 me..but when it happen 2 my mom or my dad..that really make me angry...no one can talk rude 2 my parents..or my sisters...they are me..but then it wont take too much time 2 make me calm since i'll realize that it was humiliating..then i regret.. embarrass..hmm..hate 2 get angry...hope i can control myself in the future..since its not good for myr health..haha..maybe its darah muda kot...easy 2 get angry..teenagers...haha...
today also i get angry wif people that working at kdai makan..she's toooooo rude...dh lh dtg negare org...make it like their own negare...xsedar diri...lucky my sis not wif me bcoz if they were around, then it's going 2 b a mouth fight...well..we backup each other...that's a sister hhuuddd....hahaha...then today i teman my aunt for shopping...waa...her driving style can coz me a heart attck or high blood pressure...she was n her own world..like only she got a car...haha..its not big,.juz a myvi..itu pon xbley bwk elok2....rase mcm nk ltk notis at d back said.."pliz, stay away from dis car or juz ignore dis car or juz potong as long as u can"...or.."i juz tompang dis driver, dunno who she is"...or.."pliz dun blame her or pliz kill me d passenger"...hahaha...wuhuu...terrible huh..well...nk xnk she's my aunt..have 2 accept it whether like it or not..husshhh... :(
